Each year we choose one winner from a plethora of submissions (from film & moving imagery to photography). We gift them a Sony Camera, a masterclass with our resident adventure photographer Stefan Haworth and $5000 cash to go on an epic adventure of their choice!
Want to know what caught our attention when selecting our Moments Captured winner last year? Below are our top 5 finalist with handy tips from our judging panel!
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Moments Captured 2021 coming soon...
2020 Finalists

What they said:
It was January of this year. My brother & I planned an astronaut themed photo shoot 2 days before he passed. Tomorrow is not promised. I couldn’t fathom taking pictures without him, or even picking up my camera. Who could possibly understand my crazy ideas like he did? We had so many adventures together & I will cherish every one of them. The one thing Isaiah would have never wanted was for me to stop creating. I could imagine him laughing at me being a dork running around in a space suit & for the first time in a while, it made me laugh. I did this shoot with my wonderful mother, my biggest encourager. In this life there is pain, loss and uncertainty. Yet, still so much beauty in the midst of it. I love creating, behind the camera and in front of it. I hope as an artist I can capture the beauty that does remain and share it with others. Because there is still hope.
What we saw:
Total originality, creativity at its best. The way this image captures a part of our natural world we all know and identify with, along with something that seems so far away from us both physically and fathomably, space and the roles that astronauts play seem so ethereal to most. Combining the composition and these two juxtaposing ideas of our world with the pure emotion intent behind this shot made all of our eyes well with tears. We could sit here forever and review this image but when it comes down to it, its a beautiful ode to a passed loved one. A memory in a moment captured to last eternity.

What they said:
I was sitting on top of a hill staring out at the massive icebergs in the icefjord. All of a sudden we noticed a pod of Humpback whales playing in the bay. You can hear the unmistakable sound of these majestic creatures from quite a distance! What an incredible moment and one which I will never forget. Ilulissat Icefjord, Disko Bay, Western Greenland.
What we saw:
The colours in ths image are incredible! Combined with the crisp resolution and an ariel view point, any viewer is sure to feel calm and in awe of our natural world. The composition of the whale and surrounding ice really brings context and depth into an already epic photo.
What they said:
This was moments before he told me he had just come out to his parents. He said it went really well. This wasn't posed or practiced. I think he just felt free.
What we saw:
This image feels exactly how it looks. We instantly connected with our own feelings and moments of surrender, letting go, freedom. Stripping back the colour and using a grey scale brings a sense of rawness and vulnerability to it adding to the emotive nature. This is a perfect example of how a picture can speak a thousands words.
Feeling inspired?
More 2020 Finalists