Images by @anniemorganphotography

After 30+ gas stations, 5 campgrounds, 4 body shops, 3 new spark plugs, and over 1,200 miles driving with no AC later, these two love birds finally made it up both a metaphorical and literal mountain.

They met up with a group of photographers from all across the country with the end goal of making it to Delta Lake for an elopement photoshoot in wedding gowns. Unfortunately, thunderstorms prevented a majority of the camera crew from making it to the end destination — which included the gals carrying the gowns! But 6 hours later, they made it and embraced the beauty they were surrounded by with one another in just the clothes & hats they hiked in.

"Here’s to never hanging your hats up when life gets a little rocky, windy, and rainy"

Embark on their wild adventures by joining Amanda and Taryn's journey on Instagram.
Explore Annie Kolar's Instagram page for a deeper look into her beautiful elopement and wedding photography portfolio.